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Digital Assets (Mobile App, Website, SMS, Merchant Portal & App, social media, SMS, Emails) and Citizen Engagement Operations Team (Managing Content, Merchant Ecosystem, Analytics, Helpdesk & Registration) make up the DigiThane solution. It is a unified citizen-municipality interaction/transaction layer that is used to make decisions based on citizens’ static and dynamic data.


SIILC works with governments, businesses, and investors to address society’s most pressing issues. Foxberry Technologies aims to provide smart solutions to SIILC to gain interaction with its targeted audiences through Digi-Engagement initiatives and digital marketing. Following campaigns and actions have been implemented for generating leads-

  • Maximum leads were acquired by embarking on the IMC approach
  • Similarly, marketing activities like online remarketing, revisiting the in-hand leads, connecting with the students who attempted offline text, counselling theory and getting in direct touch with their parents, and so on provided great outcomes.
  • Additionally, the SAAM TV broadcast, internship tie-ups, YIN internal referral programme, Sakal events for BTL activities, municipality assignments, and Sakal events all contributed to the building of a sustainable brand through collective synergy.

A unique initiative was put into place for administering exams in colleges and schools. Thus, providing solutions digitally that fulfil the end-to-end requirements of the target audience

Products Implemented

Digi Engagement Platform

EDSS : Emergency Decision Support System



Best Digital Initiative of the Year Awarded By ET (Economic Times) Government Global Smart Cities Forum 2020

Best Digital Smart City Awarded By Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs 2019

DigiThane nominated for National Smart City Mission’s Pilot of Fintech

Recommendation by the Smart City Mission of India as India’s entry to the Smart City World Congress Award held in Barcelona, 2019

30 min Loksabha TV exclusive National Documentary on the Initiative

Best Award City Application Award by Business World’s 7th Smart City Award,2019

Data Based Citizen Centric Governance Skoch Award in Golden Category , 2019


Lives Touched
0 Lakhs
0 Crores
0 Crores