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Property Tax Improvement Program

Property Tax Improvement Program

The Property Tax Improvement Program (PTIP) is your partner in revolutionizing property tax management. Our mission is simple: to bring citizens and governments together in a seamless, efficient, and citizen-centric property tax collection process.


  • Socially responsible citizen
  • Departments operation in one place
  • Plan for implementing the solution
  • An interactive dashboard
  • Facilitation tax revenue collection
  • Redesign business processes and tools
  • Promote online property tax related services
  • Evaluate concets
  • Goal is to assist decision makers
  • Set process for property tax collection
  • Implement the redesign
  • Create vision value & objectives

Process Flow

  • Data sets Creation – Create structured datasets for reference & use
  • Dashboarding – Create role based access to visual dashboards to drive further efficiency
  • Inferential Analysis – To study thecurrent and past trends in the property tax collection to aid tactical and strategic decision making
  • Targeted Communication – Design & drive targeted communication campaigns based on the data analysis

Solution Components


  • Dept specific campaigns
  • 360 community engagement activities round
  • ATL/BTL activities for creating awareness
  • Data backed communication plan
  • Create content for all publicity mediums like –social media, newsprint, Whatsapp, SMS.

IT Tools 

  • Automatic pull data from departmental databases
  • Team tool for data collection
  • Effectiveness and Efficiency enhancement tools
  • Role based access of data analytics views

Data Management

  • Consolidation of DBs from outside municipal corporation
  • Collection of data
  • Condolidation of data and user profiling
  • Data visualisation
  • Inferential analysis
  • Data driven decision and communication

Trend Analysis

  • Geographic

Citizens Centric

  • Gender analysis
  • Feedback and complaints
  • Demographic analysis of defaulters, prompt citzens etc.
  • Campaign response

Insights * & Organizational Memory

Team Meter

  • Zone wise performance
  • Team level meter of efficiency
  • Target vs achieved
  • Person and Geographical cross tabulation
  • Documentation of team challenges on ground


  • Default prediction
  • Payment time of year
  • Online vs offline
  • Conversion pattern of digitization
  • Input for tactical and strategic decisions wrt Ptax department

The Radical

  • Cross tabulation of data with Non corporation departmental databases
  • Incentivization & stick approach development
  • Collection partnership with other Govt departments based on revenue sharing

Data Collection Tools (Features)

Bilingual web app with offline mode & sync feature

Property holders details display

Japti karvai feature for locating and seizing property

GIS location and photo capture of property

Bill distribution and tracking feature

Various payment methods and partial payment option

Malmattechi japtitun muktatta feature for releasing property from japti karvai

Role based access management

Japtipurva notice issuance and payment options

Japti prakriya feature for adding witnesses property details

Products Implemented

Digi Engagement Platform

EDSS : Emergency Decision Support System



Best Digital Initiative of the Year Awarded By ET (Economic Times) Government Global Smart Cities Forum 2020

Best Digital Smart City Awarded By Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs 2019

DigiThane nominated for National Smart City Mission’s Pilot of Fintech

Recommendation by the Smart City Mission of India as India’s entry to the Smart City World Congress Award held in Barcelona, 2019

30 min Loksabha TV exclusive National Documentary on the Initiative

Best Award City Application Award by Business World’s 7th Smart City Award,2019

Data Based Citizen Centric Governance Skoch Award in Golden Category , 2019


Lives Touched
0 Lakhs
0 Crores
0 Crores